Friday, 30 July 2010

I'm Back

It feels so good to write in italics again. Facebook Chat does not support italics, and they seem so much more authorititive since a little mistake in an email.
I haven't written for days. Dementia has fallen into a state of darkness that is not my ruling, but shall be repaired and soon, for a NEW PART OF THE NEW WORLD IS UPON US! Mark, I need to know when you plan on leaving the country so I can write the part before you go.

No other news is available at the moment, but I now have a strange addiction for quotes about Time and Wisdom.

I WILL return soon...

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Game of the Week

Once again, I haven't given this much thought so I'm just finding a random game. However, I doubt Game of the Week (and indeed Video of the Week) will be on during the summer. And I just want to say:

MR HEDGEHOG (DENNINGTON) HAS LEFT!!!! YES!!!! Unfortuantley, he did NOT fulfil his promise to put me into set 1. That, and something else, is why I hate him. - Free Online Games

Friday, 23 July 2010

You see, Mr Anderson, I have all the cards in my hand...What? Even the Jokers?? Fucking hell.

I felt bored, so I put that up. Toy Story 3 was good, but not really the thing I'm into since I've grown up. The dvd should have an alternate ending: instead of being saved, they get burnt to death. Hmm. That would be interesting.

"I really love fuck-" <- Ben getting stopped halfway through a sentence to form a humouress comment. I wonder if anybody sitting down heard it?

Not much else to say. First day of summer. Bored. Have the twins coming round on saturday, so my weekly posts won't turn up until sunday. Have nothing else to do apart from translate song lyrics into spanish and then that back into english and laugh at the result.

I'll be doing that now. Bye bye

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Game of the Week

This is for those of you who struggled with Dark Cut 2 (Mark). Dark Cut 3 is longer but, in my opinion, easier to play as you don't need to select the tools yourself.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Wow. I haven't posted for a few days. Not that I have anything to talk about. Although, I think Mark is slightly annoyed at me for suggesting Compare. I honestly didn't know (or had no idea) of what they were planning. Sorry.

In other news...

It was Ruperts Birthday today. Not sure why I'm saying that as I don't usually do birthday's, but I might as well. Is there any other news? I finished my Methodology, but now I have no idea about what is happening tomorrow. I doubt many people will turn up though with what I've heard.

A New World part will be up at the end of term (hopefully).

Wow. Writing this post has been incredibly boring for me.

For anyone who *might* want to read my original writing, it won't be posted up here. I've heard great comments for everyone, but I'm only in 2nd set, so my writing won't be as good. Also, Ms Swinger has given us specific things to write about, so it wouldn't even be the same.

OOO new idea: Everyone can count the New (or Shattered) World as my original writing and grade me on that.

Not really, just enjoy the story.


Saturday, 10 July 2010

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

The New World - Video

I spent some time on this because I felt like it. The next New World part will probably come out at the end of term, and MAYBE my original writing (it depends on the grade).

Monday, 5 July 2010

100th Post!

I know many bloggers have already reached this marker, but this blog isn't as old as anyone else's. Have I got anything interesting to say? No! I made another video for The New World, but I'll put that up tomorrow. Another story part will come out when Ms Swingland decides that my work is of Richard-Quality. In other words, B or higher is what I'm aiming for.

As for the rest of this post, I shall make a lovely (improvised) song that might actually change a lot:

Cheddar, Cheddar, I got it stuck up me arse.
Cheddar, Cheddar, I've got a greek vase.
And although you might not know it,
and I certainly don't show it,
it's extremely irritant and I should take it out very soon.

Wasn't that lovely?


Saturday, 3 July 2010

Game of the Week

I've heard that many people are ill, so why not have a game based on illness? (NOT Dark Cut)

Free Online Flash Games