I just finished typing a comment to Kaytei about no time when I realised I DID have time! Yay! Here is the next part.
The figure just crept there, watching Rebecca. Never before had it taken so much interest in any single mortal, for it had always hunted them down for sport and food. Infact, this creature HAD been human once, but that was many years ago. It had broken out of its prison about 79 years ago. It could not remember its own name, so it had adopted the title 'Yarofev'. As he watched, for he was certain he used to be a male in the past, he carefully took in all the details of Rebecca's current life. He had heard her name before, something about her sparked a memory within him. But what was it?
Yarofev turned around. Not the slow turning as if you looking for something, but fast as if you had heard something behind you. He did. There, infront of him, hidden by darkness, were a pair of glowing yellow eyes. The eyes of a Zombie.
For any human in this situation of fight or flight, they would have run. But Yarofev was no longer a human. He raised his hand above his head. As it lifted, it slowly transformed into a huge, razor-sharp claw. He brought it down upon the Zombie, slicing it into maybe pieces that could do no harm if anything of the original conscience was still there.
Yarofev turned back to face Rebecca, crouched down and waited. Zombies do not taste that great, and they are really troublesome when you are trying to do something important. A minor disturbance, that's all they are.
To Yarofev...
Yarofev? An oddly inspired name... perhaps it's an acronym of some sort...
ReplyDeleteyarofev is a character from tomb raider (I just looked up his name). Here are some anagrams for his name:
ReplyDeleteOaf Very
Favor ye
Fay Rove
Fay Over
Vary Foe
There are some others but, just like the above, none of them really suggest anything. Perhaps it's just a name.
I said acronym, not anagram.
ReplyDeleteCharacter in Tomb Raider? Never really seen or played it by I knew it sounded familiar...
He's a character in Tomb Raider?!? Maybe that's where I got it from (it just sprung into my head)