Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Just for movement

This post has no actual intention; it's just moving the Game of the Week down so my Post Archive is more accessible. But that means that this post will have to be longer. So, here is my extention:

Mark and I have been working on Black Row Divisions during Work Related Learning. He came up with most of the names and what they work on, but I am adding much more detail. On Sunday, a list will be posted up here so people know what the names are and what they do. It will be basic information that will need to be understood if you are going to be following the Black Row Series.

But this information did not come without cost. Mark was badly injured in an attempt to stop He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named-On-This-Blog-But-Can-Be-On-Your-Blog-If-You-Want-It-That-Badly-Which-Believe-Me-You-Don't. Only joking, but a great move stopped...I really can't be bothered to write that again...from aquiring our information.

Look forward, and wait, for the 28th...

1 comment:

  1. This background is becoming more and more appropriate for this blog.

    Although it does look slightly like my profile picture.
