Saturday, 22 May 2010


Woo, concert on Friday went better than expected and I saw Kate outside during the interval. Not Thomas, Joyce. Got my lovely Table Tennis...table...out today and played a couple of games, then went driving for TEN WHOLE SECONDS BEFORE I STALLED!!!!!!* And now I have absolutely nothing else to say. I have a Geography Exam on the 17th of June, and then Chemisty 2 and Biology 2 exams on the 28th. Looking forward to those; at least A's in both would make me a very happy Nitrogen-Based Life Form.

As anyone who reads this may have realised, Dementia does not provide much in the way of private life. If you're looking for that, go to Tea and Toast (I demand payment for publicising your blog, Kaytei!!). Oh, and I lifted the Ban :)

Ta ta for now :)

*10 seconds may be exaggerated, but it was around that much.


  1. what payment are you demanding then ;)?

  2. A cube of cheddar cheese, 1mm height, width and length.
