Wednesday, 5 May 2010

"Yes, there was a blond chap..."

Woo, the School News Report Team For The Welfare And Knowledge Of Political Views On Education (a.k.a, CLITORIS) is gradually moving up! We have managed to get some time on a LIVE radio and it's actually on now but I have some stuff to do, such as write this blogpost. Robert and William are the only two going, but they are good speakers (you are too, Mark) and I can only hope they don't screw anything up. CLITORIS DEPENDS ON THIS!!! After radio, we shall conquer television :)

Anyway, I only have one more exam and that is Business Studies on Friday afternoon. How did the testes goes???? Yes I know what I just said. If you read this shortly after it's been posted, come back later for ANOTHER POST!!! And if someone tells me how to make a podcast, I'll try that as well.

Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese Bean Poos. Hi, my name is Mike and I'm calling from dip your balls in paste and decorate your bath with them IT Solutions LTD. Can I ask you a few questions about your toilet?

1 comment:

  1. Wait, how does that abbreviation work?

    Did you listen to the report? It was over the phone (they didn't have enough time to have them come to the studio), and the questions weren't particularly good. The twins did what they could though.
