Saturday, 16 October 2010

The New World Part 4 - Broadcast

"...we are now going live to Prime Minister David Yematin, and his plans for the UK..."

Lights. Flashing. Yematin was used to it. He got out of his car, and everything seemed to be in slow motion. He stood up, and waved. A single flash from a camera sent everything into darkness, then back to into the light. As Yematin walked into No. 10 Downing Street, he pondered how he'd got the job.

Was it last year? Or two years ago? He'd set up his political party with the name 'Eden', and used various brainwashing methods to gain the majority vote. Simple. Effective. Efficient.

Just like Black Row.

No. 10 Downing Street wasn't ideal for Black Row, so he only used it when discussing the Economy of Britain. That is why he had Clements and Everman focused on Yarofev and the War; so he could announce more boring politics to the world and stun them. Oh well, he could bide his time. When Yarofev was captured, it wouldn't be long before he could find The Division and claim the Universe for Black Row. Nothing was going to stand in his way. Not even economy.


"Once again, Eden and Yematin are on top of the world with their plans to help the economy. It is rumoured that Yematin also has a plan to end the war against terrorism, but has yet to debate the matter with President Barack Obama.

"And after the war is finished, Yematin is talking about space travel and colonising new planets. We may have put many people on the Moon, but it is estimated that it will take decades before any technology is developed for such a purpose. Fiona Bruce, BBC News."

"How can they know that? Who leaked it out to the press?!"

Yematin was back in his office with Clements, who yet again sat in a quiet corner of the room. The BBC were talking about plans that were strictly Black Row, and now Barack Obama was rumoured to be travelling to London to talk about the war. But who had betrayed them? Who had infiltrated Black Row and released top secret files?

Clements began to speak. "How long before the rocket is ready to leave? I don't like being on Earth anymore. Epsilon 114 is my home."

"Clements, you're here until we hear from The Division or Yarofev. Until then, your little spaceship isn't going anywhere."

"Fine then. Just remember this, though: You need my help to work out who betrayed Black Row, as I'm sure as hell that it wasn't Yarofev. He may have been part of us once, during this 'War', but he isn't know and I doubt even he would be able to hack our database, not without inside help."

"True, true, but that means he could still be behind this. Find out who it was, then bring them to me. You have the Hunters, Prospect Eternal and Coporation Unlimited to help you. Oh, and while you're at the Corporation, can you have Donald Jam taken care of? He slept with another of my informats. Honestly, we're running out of women who are willing to be his secretaries in Eden."

Clements stood up, nodded and left the room. As he walked back down the corridor, he pulled out a phone and speed-dialled a number. Amanda Green answered. After a few minutes of talking, Clements put the phone away. There was a sudden movement in the corner of his eye, but when he looked there was nothing there. Yarofev couldn't be in Black Row headquarters, could he? Surely the alarm would have sounded?


Two hours lated, Clements and two men dressed in black entered Yematin's office, dragging a man in a labcoat behind them.

"Ah, Sebastian, it was you who betrayed us. Tell me, are you working with Yarofev?"

Sebastian lifted his head. It was still bleeding from the torture session the Hunters had given him. He tried to talk, but his tongue had been ripped out.

"We got all the information we needed," said Clements "...Yarofev spoke to him and used him to get the necessary information."

"Ok, then. Bring Sebastian over here. Hunters, you can go now."

Sebastian was dragged over to the giant window, and the Hunters left the room. Yematin pressed a button in one of the drawers in his desk, and the window began to lower rather like a drawbridge. Yematin, Clements and Sebastian walked to the edge of the window.

"You've seen much of London, but I doubt you've ever seen it like this."

With that, Yematin picked Sebastian up with one hand and threw him over the edge. If he still had a tongue, he would have been screaming the whole way down.

"That is what happens to people who betray me, and that is what will happen to you, Clements, if you don't do as I say."

Clements was scared, and not for the first time. He had a sudden desire to run at Yematin and fling him over the edge as well, but he didn't. His own life was at stake already, and he wouldn't last two minutes if he murdered Yematin.


The BBC building is like a giant maze. You can walk in and, if you don't remember which way you went, you would need a lot of help getting out. Fiona never had been lost before, but now her own knowledge was betraying her. It was dark, and she couldn't recall directions correctly. She looked behind her, and saw a Robed Figure walk out of the shadows.

"Fiona, I need your help. Well, not your help. Just your memories..."

There was screaming in the BBC building, but it was suddenly cut off. Unknowingly, the last employee left the building and locked the doors behind him.

1 comment:

  1. ...She was an informant? Damn, Jam's in deep trouble now...

    Anyway, good to see you writing parts again.
