Wait, does this mean...
It can't possibly be...
How did that happen...
I don't know, don't ask me...
Yes, that's right. Dementia is back online! Arab Money bitches, fuck yeah!
^Incase you have no idea what I'm talking about, well you're just close-minded then, aren't you?
If I'm going to post more often, I'm going to have to find ways to keep Dementia interesting...No, I will not pretend to be Adam Simmons and shout 'I sell car insurance' at everyother year 7 that walks past me. Or maybe...
Sorry about that. I wasn't actually copying Adam, I was annoying him should he ever read this, which I highly doubt. This should cheer you up:

That was also from the Uncyclopedia. I'm getting bored of this, but I have an idea. An idea that is so great it will literally blow your minds out*. An idea so brilliant and genius, you won't understand it or even realise when it's happening. An idea that...To be honest, I don't know how much longer I can exaggerate this.
Geography Controlled Assessment finished = Yay. If I don't get a B AT LEAST, I will consider that a waste of time. History and Biznis (Mark) Studies C.A. will be finisheed tomorrow, as will a load of other peoples C.A. All I really want to do after that is drive a golf caddy around school.
I think I've kept everyone for long enough. That's another way of saying I can't think of anything else to write and so will go soon.
Bye bye Mr Taters (Or Mrs, if you take offence)
Uncyclopedia? Get off it, or you'll be trapped for days!
ReplyDeleteI've never actually heard Simmons say that, but as soon as you described it I have an extremely clear image of him doing that.
He was told by Miss Swaisland (I think that's how you spell it) in Drama that he was 'less funny that my dog'.
Well done on Geography. Good luck for the rest.